Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Check this wearable device out @FirstbeatInfo FirstBeat Bodyguard 2

Hi all

I had a friend tell me about this company and their products:

This is taking wearbale smart devices to the next level... this is not just your basic pedometer, this captures so much more data.

Few words from the company web page:

Firstbeat has developed an innovative heart rate variability based analysis technology for measurement of stress, recovery and exercise. Our software products can be applied to improve performance and well-being in sports and at work. We provide  information that is rich in detail about exercise monitoring, stress assessment and recovery.

They have a whole host of product and services geared around this, whether you are a Pro, for work and wellbeing, or simply a consumer (you can pick up a Suunto with Firstbeat features included).

Anyway the product that most excites me is the Firstbeat Bodyguard 2

Technical specifications:

Rechargeable battery (last app. 6 days)
Storage capacity app. 20 days
IP class IP52
Weight 24 g
Measurement accuracy for heartbeat recording1 ms (1000 Hz)
Measurement accuracy for movement:
Sampling frequency 12.5 Hz
Resolution 8 Bit
G-scale 4G
Data from Bodyguard 2 can be downloaded directly to Firstbeat programs (analysis server, Firstbeat SPORTS)
Data download and battery charging is done directly via the USB-port

So connect this to your chest and after three days have some hugely important data not just about HR, but stress, physical activity/exercise, training effect and many more.

I'm looking to test this out in the very near future... stay tuned.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Customer Service - @FitbitSupport @MisfitWearables

Hi all

Ok, been using the wearables and thought I would look into replacement bands - as I don't see these lasting for very long.


Fitbit have three cool colours of bands... but do you think you can order them.?!?!?!?

Think again, Unless you live in the good ole US of A you are stuff. So I wonder how I can get them here is Sunny Finland. Its the "after sales service" like this can make or break a device. If I cannot get replacement bands and my one breaks that is it - GAME OVER.


Also the Misfit shine I have worn exclusively on the sportsband I have worn the band as i don't really like the clasp it comes with and feel I will loose it.

Ok the band is ok, but its not for every day use.  Even after 4 weeks (and thats plenty of swimming pool visits) I feel its going to break. And if it does then I bet I will loose the Shine.

So I think I should get a replacement, they are only $19.99... but on check out they slap a $25 postage fee.

I'm NOT paying $44 for a rubber band. So should the band fail me the Misfit Shine will get lost, NEVER to be replaced.

#Jawbone, this is where you could take a leadership position.!

Monday, 9 September 2013

Runtastic + Sony SmartWatch 2

Hi all

Bit of a busy day with all the new stuff coming out.

Next up is the Sony SmartWatch 2

Thing here is that Runtastic integrates to it.

Nissan - Where did this come from

Hi all

Who saw this one coming..???

Nissan Nismo

Sort of makes the Samsung gear look like a play toy.!

Samsung Gear - Was it worth the wait..??


Just in case you was on Mars last week this happened:

Samsung watch

As far as expectations went this wasn't what I was expecting. Where was the flexible / curved display..??

Think the only notable part is that is has a pedometer... but I don't see Fitbit quaking in their shoes.

Monday, 2 September 2013

TEST TIME for the Wearable Smart Devices

Hi all

I've been testing all these Wearable Smart Devices over the past few days with different types of activities. I actually wanted to post this last week, but the Misfit Shine sent out an update. Just as well as they were not looking good for the accuracy of their device :-0

So hear are the results:

Fitbit FlexJawbone UPMisfit Shine
Thursday 29th Aug
Swim 30mins (hard)379 cal332 cal563 points
Elliptical 30mins (hard)428 cal510 cal1037 points
Total steps for the day102471103310618 Steps / 2097 points
Friday 30th Aug
Elliptical 30mins (hard)429 cal440 cal929 points
Total steps for the day10016109939548 steps / 1466 points
Sunday 1st Sep
Run (just a short one)274 cal342 cal548 points
bike ride (25Km)739 cal639 cal571 points
Total steps for the day164981649111208 steps / 1625 points
Monday 2nd Sep
Swim 30mins (hard)382 cal332 cal772 points
Elliptical 30mins (hard)430 cal467 cal1014 points
Total steps for the day129191303512254 steps / 2368 points

So before we dive into what all this means, we need to run through how we got this data.

For the Jawbone UP you cannot use this in water to you have to manually enter in the activity, so 30 min swim is 332 cal.

Fitbit Flex you can wear in the pool so it does measure that there is activity, but you also need to enter the type and intensity of the session. This gives 382 cal so quite a bit higher.

Misfit, well where do I start. You can view days as "points", "steps" and "calories", but activities only as points. Sooooooooo you would think you could mathematically work out the relationship between them, well "fugetaboutit". All logical comprehension goes out the window and believe me I have tried :-(

Anyway Misfit is waterproof and if you (remember to) sync it for swimming then for 30 mins you are presented with 563 on Thursday and 772 for Monday..!!!!

Also since Fitbit Flex does not have a start / stop feature for ALL activities you need to go to the app and log the activity - which could be hit and miss if you don't really know what intensity you went at.

Jawbone UP is pretty good in this respect as you do have a start / stop function for activity... but you still have to go to the app to log the event and intensity.

Misfit Shine you have to have you iPhone / iPad with you to change the activity before you start it, which is pretty odd "User Interface".

The results

OK, so here is what I think happened :-)

Total steps for the day is really close no matter what device you check:

Fitbit FlexJawbone UPMisfit Shine
Thursday steps102471103310618
Friday steps10016109939548
Sunday steps164981649111208
Monday steps129191303512254

The ERROR here is with Misfit Shine on the (only) day I went for a bike ride. Just to reinforce that if you check Sunday out I got 548 cal for a 21 min run and then JUST 571 for a hard 25Km ride lasting 52 mins..!! @Misfitwearable you need to improve cycling. You have improved swimming and for that I thank you but now fix the cycling :-)

As far as the calorie consumption goes it really depends what you enter in to the Jawbone UP and Fitbit Flex apps.

Just as a litmus test I have a few calorie counts from apps that use a heart rate monitor (HRM).

When I use Adidas miCoach:

1. For the 30min elliptical training I get 398 cal, so both Jawbone and Fitbit are higher.

2. For the 25Km bike I get 811 cal, so both Jawbone and Fitbit are lower (but see below).

3. For the 21 min run I get 343 cal, Jawbone had 343 - Game On!

Just adding in the Sports Tracker, for the 25Km bike I get 698 cal, which is in the middle of Jawbone and Fitbit.

Conclusion to all this will be in the next post :-)